India is at the cusp of digital health transformation and the key is to successfully adopt and implement Electronic Medical Records (EMR). Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) are electronic records of health-related information of individuals that includes demographics, medical history, laboratory test results and information which can enable healthcare systems to provide the right treatment at the right time to patients.
The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed weaknesses in every society and health system around the world and continues to disrupt economies globally. Covid-19 seems to be evolving into an endemic disease, much like influenza, that returns regularly and occasionally with large epidemics and pandemics. Additionally, there are always other emerging infectious diseases that remind us to continue strengthening our health systems to prepare against the next health emergency.
Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Budi Gunadi Sadikin menargetkan, rekam medis elektronik harus dapat berjalan di seluruh fasilitas kesehatan (faskes) pada tahun 2023. Artinya, sejak sekarang mulai dipersiapkan integrasi rekam medis elektronik pada masing-masing faskes.
Masalah health information system atau sistem informasi kesehatan (SIK) yang terpecah-pecah di negara-negara berkembang seperti di Indoensia menjadi masalah yang perlu diatasi. Masalah umum yang dihadapi banyak organisasi, termasuk organisasi kesehatan saat ini adalah beberapa sumber informasi dan repositori yang berbeda termasuk basis data, penyimpanan objek, basis pengetahuan, sistem file, perpustakaan digital, sistem pencarian informasi dan sistem surat elektronik, dan sebagainya.