This article reports the results of a study that follows a multi-year, pragmatic clinical trial in a real world, community based primary care. What started as a quality project evolved to include the development and deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) decision support to guide medication choices when treating hypertension (HTN). Results show that primary care physicians significantly improved HTN outcomes as compared to the national average of success.
WHO, with the support of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization and its COVID-19 Vaccines Working Group, is reviewing the emerging evidence on the need for and timing of vaccinating children and adolescents with the currently available COVID-19 vaccines, which have received Emergency Use Listing (EUL).
Pencatatan medis dan imunisasi secara digital, menurut Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Budi Gunadi Sadikin dinilai jauh lebih efisien ketimbang dilakukan manual. Pencatatan elektronik ini merupakan salah satu implementasi dari pilar transformasi kesehatan, yakni transformasi teknologi kesehatan.
Puncak Peringatan Hari Jadi ke-64 Provinsi Bali dirayakan dengan pelaksanaan upacara bendera di Lapangan Puputan Margarana Niti Mandala Denpasar pada Redite Paing Matal, Minggu (14/8) pagi. Gubernur Koster juga berpidato dalam Sidang Paripurna Istimewa DPRD Bali dalam rangka peringatan Hari Jadi ke-64 Provinsi Bali. Dalam pidatonya saat upacara peringatan Hari Jadi ke-64 Provinsi Bali, Gubernur Koster menegaskan pandemi Covid-19 di Bali telah terkelola dengan baik. Kondisi ini menyebabkan dunia pariwisata Bali mulai menggeliat dan langsung berdampak pada pertumbuhan ekonomi Bali saat ini.