Back in 2017, the EU enshrined “timely access to affordable, preventive and curative health care of good quality” in the European Pillar of Social Rights. Since then, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought home quite how vital quality healthcare is to our individual and collective wellbeing. Universal public healthcare is not a luxury, it is a cornerstone of our social market economies in which everyone has the right to live a long and healthy life.
The quality of services provided currently in general by both the public and private healthcare facilities in Bangladesh is certainly not beyond questions. This has been a cause for concern even at the policy level. High level deliberations have failed to create a consensus on how to develop a feasible regulatory mechanism or framework or more specifically create a set of standards or benchmark parameters to adhere to.
Pemerintah akan mulai mengimplementasikan perubahan kelas layanan peserta mandiri BPJS Kesehatan dari kelas 1-3 menjadi kelas standar secara bertahap mulai tahun ini. Kelas standar akan mulai berlaku di rumah sakit di bawah Kementerian Kesehatan pada tahun ini dan diimplementasikan secara penuh di seluruh rumah sakit rujukan BPJS Kesehatan pada 2024.
Ketua Tim Kendali Mutu dan Kendali Biaya (TKMKB) Tulungagung, dr Abu Mardah mengatakan, pihaknya berupaya mengontrol beberapa kasus yang terjadi dengan tujuan meningkatkan kendali biaya, terutama di Fasilitas Kesehatan Rujukan Tingkat Lanjut (FKRTL).