JAKARTA--Deputi Bidang Penerapan Standar dan Akreditasi Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) Kukuh S. Achmad mengungkapkan bahwa saat ini ada beberapa komoditas rempah khas Indonesia yang tengah diusulkan untuk diuji mutu dan standar kuliatasnya kepada Codex Alimentarius.
INILAH, Bandung - Pemerintah berkomitmen kuat dalam mewujudkan eliminasi campak dan mengendalikan penyakit rubella serta kecacatan bawaan akibat Congenital Rubella Syndrome (rubella) di Indonesia pada tahun 2020.
Insurance lobbyists may influence the writing of a health law, but they don’t provide actual care. We doctors don’t want the same things they do.
I have fallen into the same trap that many of my fellow doctors have: I have analyzed the potential options for repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act from the same place that politicians and policy wonks do
In a new study examining the relationship between mental health and burn injury, researchers note that burn injuries may be preventable through increased access to high-quality mental health care. The study's findings also show that burn injury victims experience significantly increased rates of self-harm after their injuries.